Denver Injury Attorney: Truck Accident

Attorney representation in Denver, Colorado since 2001

Truck Accidents

Thousands of commercial tractor-trailers travel through the State of Colorado and the greater Denver metro area every day. When one of those cross-country haulers tangles with a passenger car, the aftermath is often devastating injury or death. Through prompt investigation and aggressive representation, I work to help your family recover maximum compensation for a trucking accident.

If your loved one was injured or killed in a big rig crash, our prompt investigation can preserve critical evidence. When indicated, we immediately retain professional investigators, accident reconstructionists, traffic safety experts, and truck crash liability specialists to photograph the crash site, debrief witnesses, analyze the skid marks and debris, and pinpoint the cause. From freeway crashes on I-25 or I-70 to intersection collisions throughout the greater Denver area, I handle every type of truck accident.

Establishing Liability in a Big Rig Crash

A semi truck is difficult to maneuver and hard to stop in the best circumstances, let alone in an emergency situation. Even the most alert car driver is at the mercy of the trucker's actions and the roadworthiness of a tractor trailer. I and my colleagues apply our knowledge of the trucking industry and federal regulations to establish the negligence that led to the truck crash. Some common causes of truck accidents include:

After a truck wreck, I and my colleagues will work quickly to obtain driver logbooks, inspection and maintenance records, "black box" recorder data, and other crucial evidence to support your claim.

Free Initial Consultation

Call us today today for a free initial consultation. 24 hours. Again, the cost of a consultation is free and the benefits will be lasting.